As a mom of 2 and with businesses to run, the concept of “Me Time” is pretty foreign. I’m pretty sure some of you are nodding as you read this! I’m not one to paint my nails or spend time in a salon but I do care about my skin. Practicing good hygiene, eating well, exercising and getting proper sleep are keys for a healthy body and glowing skin. Sometimes though we need a little extra help to manage the issues that we have no control over. That’s what brought me to Heritage Way Medical Spa & Clinic.
I have a common condition called, Telangiectasia (pronounced: teh-LAN-jee-ak-TAY-zhuh) prominently visible on each side of my nose. These spidery veins first appeared in my late teens and have been gradually becoming more apparent. People have commented on them saying things like, “That happened when I got my nose job too.” When I respond stating I haven’t had a nose job, they don’t believe me. Ridiculous. Sure the veins can be easily concealed with make-up but just as with any skin issue, it makes me feel self-conscious.
It was recommended I visit the nearby clinic because they’ve had a lot of success with the Pro Yellow Laser which is great for treating this type of condition. Up until this day, my previous experience with any laser treatment was for hair removal, and that was a loooooong time ago, we’re talking 12 years! See… No me time. So I was a little bit nervous about the discomfort I might feel.
I was reassured by a lovely, Certified Laser Technician, and the non-invasive procedure was explained. Pretty straight forward. Then the magic words, “Okay, Kelly. It’s time for you to enjoy some me time. Please lie down, let’s get you comfortable, close your eyes and relax.” I was already there! As we got started, “Before” photos were taken of my nose, then I was outfitted with a nifty blue cap and treated to a facial cleansing with a slight massage. Ah! With goggles donned, the session began.
One of the neatest things to happen was hearing the enthusiastic feedback as the veins on my nose disappeared with each shot of the laser. This was really exciting for me because if they were excited, then it must be good! Thankfully, I really was able to relax because it didn’t hurt too much. It felt like a hot pin being repeatedly dabbed quickly along a little line. I would rate the discomfort level as a 3, on my personal whimpy-scale.
When the session was complete, I was given a post-treatment protocol which I was thrilled to learn included our Clarifying Cream, the do’s & don’ts for the next few days, and then “After” photos were taken. I was absolutely blown away when I saw them. WOW. The veins were gone. I love my new nose!
During my visit to the clinic, I also had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Robert Kirk, Founder and Head Clinical Specialst of CanAM Aesthetics Inc. proud distributor for the Asclepion QuadroStarPro™ Yellow Laser.
Thank you to everyone I met at Heritage Way Medical Spa & Clinic for the kindness and care you showed this scaredy cat. It was a pleasure! I’ll be back.
PS - A few days later, while getting gussied up for a meeting, I was about to habitually apply makeup to the sides of my nose when I realized, I don’t have too! What a revelation. In a weird way, I felt free. I did a little happy dance and carried on without the extra coverage.
Aug 25, 2016 • Posted by Tianna
wow what a difference! I don’t think it looked all that bad to begin with, but I’m glad that you were able to clear it up if it’s something that bothered you. it’s 100% gone now! I need laser treatments haha.
Aug 24, 2016 • Posted by Lindsmtl
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